Now What????
The Nittany Lions had another uninspiring victory this weekend against a less than impressive foe. Sure, a win is a win, I guess, but sometimes you wish that this team showed you something.
Seriously, of the 8 wins, how many were truly victories in which you left the game thinking, “man, Joe-Pa’s boys are really playing well?” Not many, I’m sure. Not to take anything away from the defense, which has played well for every game except the Notre Dame game, but this offense is putrid.
Penn State will most likely play a New Year’s day game – sure it will be at 11:00 a.m., and I’ll be really hungover. And I guess I shouldn’t complain, because prior to last year, this team hasn’t given us much to hope for. I’m going to guess that whichever team we play, we’ll be the underdog. My hope is that Joe Pa’s boys can find some building blocks for next season. They aren’t losing much, BUT the guys that are coming back (at least on the offensive side of the ball) haven’t shown me much.
Maybe we’ll have a rematch against Florida State, which would probably be about as exciting as an insurance seminar. However, anytime JoePa can beat Bobby Bowden, I’m cool with that.