PSU College Blog

A blog of stories about a set of PSU roommates.

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Location: Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, United States

I've got two words for ya - Sar-casm. If you aren't hip with that, you probably should just click to the next blog. I blog about my daily life, current hot topics, stupid conversations, or just about anything that is on my mind.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Time to Turn the Page

Penn State lost to Michigan State this weekend, and it didn’t come as a surprise to me - Joepa’s boys seem to always have a difficult time with the Spartans. However, having a 24-7 lead in the second half should’ve been enough to win it. Unfortunately, Penn State blew it, and it came down to two areas, defense, and quarterback play. I know that Michigan State has a good offense, but Penn State is supposed to have a good defense, too, right?

Well, a few weeks ago, against the Butt-Guys, the Nittany Lions were manhandled on the defensive side of the ball. Against Temple last week, even though PSU got a shutout, Temple did move the ball rather easily. This week was more of the same. Somebody HAS to step up – I don’t’ think Posluvsney would’ve let this happen if he was on the team.

On the offensive side of the ball, the play-calling in the second half was questionable at best … especially on that last real drive. Penn State moves the ball to the red zone with ease – there is plenty of time left. Why not run the ball? Instead, you put the game in the hands of a shaky quarterback … and the result was predictable. Morelli threw 4 awful passes, and PSU lost.

Now, they get to focus on a pre-New Year’s Day bowl, and football without Morelli … finally!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen your comments around and thougt I'd come visit. I picked a bad post to visit on since I am a Spartan alum. Don't hate me, I like you Nittany Lions. I loathe only one team, the rodents from Ann Arbor.

1:11 PM  

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