PSU College Blog

A blog of stories about a set of PSU roommates.

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Location: Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, United States

I've got two words for ya - Sar-casm. If you aren't hip with that, you probably should just click to the next blog. I blog about my daily life, current hot topics, stupid conversations, or just about anything that is on my mind.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Only One Bathroom???

How we did it for an entire year, I’ll have no idea. The five of us. One apartment. Two bedrooms. One bathroom. How did we coexist in such a small area for such a long amount of time? We are more-or-less all still friends, probably the most shocking. In my opinion, 5 women would be incapable of such a feat. You may disagree, but I’ve heard outrageous stories with three women sharing one bathroom. I can’t imagine 5 being able to do so.

Maybe it was because we were inebriated for a good chunk of the time. Perhaps, we just had a good mix of slobs and neat freaks who didn’t mind cleaning. Maybe it was good that some roommates spent a majority of their time at their girlfriends’ dorms (not mentioning any names here). I’m not saying we never fought, argued, or complained. We had our share of touchy moments. That probably happens everywhere.

I think what really helped was that we all had well-developed senses of humor. I truly believe that laughing can cure or help cure a lot of illnesses. We had so many laughs in our apartment, that we should’ve probably charged people for the healthy doses of laughter they were receiving.
I think back to that place, and memories of one roommate eating pancakes morning, noon, and night everyday – he became so good at it that he used to make pancake initials for each of us. You can’t find that kind of training anywhere.

Another roommate spent four hours playing a videogame on a hand-held device (it did not have a save feature) – he was just about to win, but nerves probably got the best of him, as he ended up losing. A normal person might have thrown the device off of the balcony after investing so much time in an empty cause. But this guy just started playing from the beginning of the game again. True dedication. If only he would’ve put that kind of dedication to schoolwork, he might have been able to graduate in less than 7 years.

I know I had my quirks. Unfortunately, I was engaged during my senior year – probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I missed out on numerous potential rejections from women all over Penn State. But, I also missed out on hanging with some of my best friends.


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