Water Balloon Madness!!!!
Preston and Steve were talking about dangerous toys this morning, and they mentioned some sort of water balloon flinging device, and it brought back a memory of a water balloon fight we had in Mont Alto.
This was not a normal water balloon fight, though. We had a battle between dorm buildings that were facing each other. We developed some sort of make-shift slingshot that was so big, it probably could’ve shot out cannon balls. We were college students, so we were dangerous in that we had insane ideas, and the unfortunate “skill” to be able to make our ideas come to life – hence the giant sling shot.
It was getting pretty intense, as it became a virtual water-world battleground, with few souls even attempting to open their windows or go outside. As always, it was fun until something went wrong. In this case, one of our water balloons, traveling close to the speed of light, crashed through one of the thick-glass windows of “the enemy.”
So ended the first (and final) dorm room water balloon sling shot slobberknocker.
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